Friday, December 31, 2010

The War on Christmas Continues Redux

Continuing my War on Christmas.

"You are twisting my point completely into one that suits you."

OK, let's dissect your point to see what it was.

"I've just about had enough of the minimization of Christmas."

Christmas is not being minimized any more than any holiday. Please note all the Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments, and Christmas candy (not to mention nativities) available at this time of year. There is no special law preventing Christians from displaying any of these things on their own property.

"Political correctness, coupled with bitter, angry atheists, have all but destroyed any remnants of the reason for celebrating this holiday, and I am at an unprofessional boiling point." "If you want to be an atheist go right ahead, though I've not known many that aren't angry and unhappy 80% of the time, but it is certainly your right." "Try to enjoy life next year and be a little less bitter and hateful."

I am an atheist. I am not bitter or hateful. I am angry. Anger is a good thing when your rights are being threatened. You yourself seem just as angry as I am. It's not preventing us from having a discussion. If you've only met unhappy/angry atheists, maybe you should meet more of them.

"Does anyone really believe our nation is better off without the true meaning of Christmas allowed in public places?"

This is a rhetorical question. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are saying that you believe it is obvious that the nation would be better off with the Jesus allowed in public places. But there are 2 different kinds of public places. If you own a shop, that business is a public place. You can decorate it as you see fit. You may choose to decorate it with a 24' tall glow-in-the-dark crucifix. Uncle Sam won't say a word. People of other religions may not frequent your store as much, especially if you only stock Christmas merchandise when they are looking for Kwanzaa candles. But it is your choice. The other kind of public place is a government institution. Thanks to our founding fathers (especially Jefferson and the Baptists), our government is not allowed to show favoritism for any religion. So, either the walls of public institutions should be covered with whatever anyone calls a religious belief all year round (remember there are other holidays that aren't in December), or they should not. Personally, I'm in favor of a clean look, but if you'd prefer a mish-mashed hodge-podge of thousands of kinds of religious kitsch, that's a valid point of view. I'll be ready with my "Don't Worry, There's No God" sign.

"It is already an over-commercialized financially crippling mess."

It doesn't have to be. You are allowed to celebrate it in any way you wish. You could forego decorations and costly gifts, instead opting to have a quiet ceremony of religious significance. And everyone else is allowed to continue celebrating as they wish.

"We have created numerous fairy tales to detract from the true meaning."

Yes, the Christians have over the years adopted many non-Jesus related traditions. Pardon the rest of us if we find Santa more palatable than indoctrinating our children into your specific religion.

"As insane as this sounds, in today's politically correct United States it is more acceptable to talk about this made up farce of a holiday [Kwanzaa] in your public schools than it is to speak of Jesus' birth."

Kwanzaa is a non-religious celebration. Discussing it does not violate church-state separation. Young people are allowed to speak of Jesus birth. Teachers in positions of authority are not allowed to abuse that power to privilege their religious beliefs.

"Anything which could offend anyone (minus Christians, of course) is shunned as intolerant. No Christmas trees, manger scenes, wise men, Jesus, or anything of the sort. It's as though there really exists a PC Grinch, who has ridden down the mountain and stolen our Christian symbols of the holiday. Unfortunately, his heart does not appear to be growing three sizes any day soon."

This is vague enough, I'm not sure what you're asserting. If you're just dramatizing your earlier claims that Christians are being persecuted, see above.

"If you do not believe in this than simply don't celebrate the holiday, but don't attempt to create other distractions and fictional celebrations to overshadow and minimize CHRISTmas."

Atheists have not created distractions. The Christian 3/4 of the population loves Santa. They love buying overpriced gifts for their children. The commercialization is all you guys. Stop buying and the stores will stop selling. As for Kwanzaa, it isn't on Christmas. It is in December. Even if it was on December 25th, as you've said, other people have the right to celebrate as they see fit. Your assertion that Kwanzaa celebrations somehow distract you from Christmas is a non-sequitur.

"To all those who claim to be offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas" to them....lighten up!! ride that sled back down the mountain and we'll let you carve the roast beast!! Merry Christmas!!!"

I don't think anyone is claiming to be offended when someone says "Merry Christmas". I think our case is that government should not prioritize "Merry Christmas" over "Blessed Yom Kippur", "Happy Solstice", etc. As to coming down the mountain and carving the roast beast, what I'm hearing is "this whole thing would be fixed if you'd just convert". Sorry if that's not what you meant. Maybe you just need to work on effective communication (if so many people are misunderstanding you).

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